From the makers of the award-winning Kingdom micro-strategy series comes Kingdom Eighties, a single-player love-letter to the nostalgic days of camp, riding bikes to the mall, and sitting around the TV in your pajamas on Saturday mornings.

The game, which is scheduled to be launched on October 16th for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch as well as iOS and Android, is the perfect way to get one last dose of summer fun as the Greed prepare their next attack on the camp, just in time for Halloween!
A stylish new spin on the hit Kingdom franchise, Kingdom Eighties is an epic adventure of micro-strategy and base-building wrapped in the neon-retro vibes of the ‘80s. As the Leader, a young camp counselor, players team up with new friends like the Champ, the Tinkerer, and the Wiz to protect the town of Monarch from the relentless attacks of the mysterious Greed.

Players get to recruit neighborhood kids and assign them roles like soldiers and builders, use coins to build and expand their kingdom, and fortify it by raising walls and defensive turrets. But they’ll need to be ready – when night falls, the Greed will attack without mercy. Players will get to explore their town, unlock new mounts, discover powerful weapons and tech upgrades, and learn to manage their resources wisely to survive.

Kingdom Eighties is currently available on PC and Mac via Steam. For more information, check out the site over here: