Check out what could be the best Street Fighter III: Third Strike match/comeback ever played. The video was taken during Evolution 2004, a beat-em-up game tournament held in the States featuring Justin Wong vs. Daigo Umehara…watch the parries and be dazzled:
And now, check out of a parody of the same match, Mortal Kombat style. It’s pretty funny, but I’ll let the video do all the talking:
I also envy those gamers that are adept at beat-em-ups. In my case, it’s more of like mashing buttons rather than getting the combos right. I can’t put a finger on why, but the best game to do so (mash buttons for any hope of winning) would be Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the Dreamcast.
In any case, it would be an achievement for me to obtain a level of proficiency with Street Fighter 4. I’m just waiting for the price to go down a little (you know, hype does drive up prices), before getting the game. If you have the time, read about The Escapist article on “Race and Street Fighter II”, check it out here.
just dropping by.. hahas, have a nice day yea!!
I have seen the video before. The chances of able to do that move is almost 0%. The fella must know the interval between each kick to then tap the right button. Chun Li was expecting Ryu to block and then end the game, too bad.
Daigo has been the beast ever since. Sadly I don’t see him in more Evo tournaments after the stunning 2004 display.
But 2008 was packed with people sampling SF4. You should upload Justin Wong’s never give up video where he single handedly beat 3 fighters in Marvel Vs Capcom 2 with just Cyclops and Cyclops was almost dead.