What do Katamari Damacy, Donut County and Triband’s latest release for the Nintendo Switch, What The Golf? have in common? Well, they have plenty of laugh-out-loud physics-based irrelevant humour. Katamari Damacy had players rolling a ball around running over more and more stuff as the ball got bigger.
Donut County on the other hand, had puzzle-like levels for which players made use of a moving hole-in-the-ground, growing as it gobbled up more stuff, triggering switches, and setting off fires (that’s one crazy game). I remember playing it from start to finish over several sittings.
What The Golf?, being in the same addictive irrelevant vibe as the two other games, has players playing golf, not with golf balls, but with every day items in puzzle-like levels rift with obstacles to overcome. Want to swing your player-avatar onto a golf hole? Go ahead. Hit a bunch of black cats before hitting the golf flag with your ball? That’s a thing in What The Golf?.
In one of the levels, players need to putt an office chair over several obstacles (including a well-placed ramp) into a golf hole. Once that’s done, players are then challenged to complete the same level within 5 strokes. The other had me flipping a house, while avoiding traffic, to score a “Home In One”. Yup, this is one golf game that is really made for players who dislike golf, and it’s a RIOT!
I’m pretty sure the gameplay translates very well over to the Nintendo Switch’s controls (the game got released around the end of May 2020 on the Switch) but for the price of USD 19.99, I think I’ll just live with the touchscreen controls on the iPhone version of the game.
What The Golf? is available on Apple Arcade, and we rate it at a 4.5/5. Check it out over here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/what-the-golf/id1415190483 and https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/what-the-golf-switch/