Have you ever wondered what kind of iOS app/game would the fictional but recently deceased meth dealer/overall bad-ass former chemistry teacher Walter White would really be good at? I’m betting 10 bucks that it would be ChemCompounds. I was a science stream student back in the day but chemistry wasn’t my cup of tea, simply because I had a hard time remembering formulas.


Writing this review almost made me wish I had ChemCompounds back then. Having mentioned that, ChemCompounds reminded me of the e-learning tools that we used to purchase in CD-ROM format, but with a much nicer, slicker, touch-based presentation.


The typical flow of this Universal app (iPhone, iPad & iPod touch) involves players, or should I say students, picking the level of difficulty and then dragging the necessary elements to build the compound shown on the screen. ChemCompounds has over 850+ compounds and players, or should I say students, can forgo the difficulty selection and customize base on which compounds they would like to revise. The amount of compounds and the customization mode make Chem Compounds an invaluable study companion in the guise of a game.


Presentation wise, the 2D-graphics offer a clear-cut view of things with no distractions, and ChemCompounds actually reminded me of flash cards. This is pretty impressive since it shows that the folks behind ChemCompounds actually thought about making an effective education tool, and I’m glad to say they generally succeeded. One way of improving an already impressive app would be to have a “revision mode”. This is for folks who just want to revise without going through the “several strikes (wrongly-guessed compounds) and it’s game over” style of play.


That aside, Nineoverten.com highly recommends ChemCompounds and rates it at a 5 out of 5. At 99 cents, the app is of very good value, check it out on the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/chemcompounds/id698448355?ls=1&mt=8.

A review code was provided to Nineoverten.com for the purpose of this review.