I cannot recall when was the last time I got hooked on a zombie-themed game but Toge Productions‘ latest iOS title, Infectonator: Hot Chase is one endless running zombie game that has proven itself to be very hard to put down. Unlike most games featuring a heavily armed protagonist running around shooting zombies (Barry Steakfries, I’m looking at you), Infectonator lets players run around as zombies, infecting more and more humans as they progress through the levels.
Unlike humans though, zombies seem to have a tough time keeping their hit points up while running at the same time, making the need to infect the poor humans an up-most priority. On the upside, each human infected adds one more zombie to your undead running posse. Infectonator Hot Chase measures how far can your zombie run before his health runs out. In order to improve on the distance, your zombie is upgradeable in a number of aspects, including speed, health, the number of humans you can infect at the same time, etc.
Littered across the level (there’s only one level per say, since the game is an endless runner), are obstacles such as land mines, and power-ups in the form of mutations that give your zombie a temporary boost. Players can also unlock additional zombie types. All these unlockables and upgrades are made possible via the coins that you earn while playing the game. Infectonator Hot Chase a free-to-play title, but even with IAPs, there’s actually no need to spend a single dime, making it right up there with Plants vs. Zombies 2 in free-to-play awesomeness.
The game features both retro-inspired graphics, sound effects and background music, all these gel together with the simple one touch controls to create a really fun experience on the iPad. The addition of Game Center achievements (through completing missions) and online leaderboards simply adds to the quality of the game. Infectonator Hot Chase is proof that free-to-play titles can provide awesome, not to mention COMPLETE gameplay devoid of the nagging feeling that the game is gunning for your wallet (or iTunes balance). Nine Over Ten 9/10 rates Infectonator Hot Chase at a 5 out of 5.
Published by Armor Games, the game is available for free on the iTunes App Store for free. Check it out over here:Â https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/infectonator-hot-chase/id688671950.
A review code was provided to Nineoverten.com for the purpose of this review.