From the onset, Gamenauts‘ latest iOS title, Nuclear Outrun, seems to plenty of gameplay elements on its plate. The heart of the game is essentially an endless (somewhat) runner with guns. Players head out on wacky vehicles, shooting up zombies and rescuing survivors while trying to a. move as far as possible before a nuke missile blows their vehicle to itty-bitty pieces and b. collect as much gold coins as possible.
What’s impressive about Nuclear Outrun is how tightly knit are the gameplay elements. The various types of vehicles that can be unlocked offer vary in terms of speed. Shooting up zombies and missiles allows for less stuff blocking your way (and potentially damaging your vehicle) and the 30-odd survivors that you rescue offer up unique bonuses if you put them behind the wheel of your vehicle. The eclectic/colourful cast of survivors include clowns, lawyers, nurses, hobos…LOL.
The coins earned from playing the game are put to good use in your doomsday vault, where you get to purchase and upgrade weaponry, buy new vehicles as well as crazy Weapons of Mass Destruction. Fancy a Cyborg Flying T-Rex named George or the Cheshire Cat-ish Cat Mobile? They are a done deal here provided you have the coins for it. Speaking of coins, those who have no qualms spending money on IAPs can spend real cash to stock up on the in-game coins.
Nuclear Outrun offers a fun/crazy run and gun romp through scorched earth levels, with great 2D graphics, tight controls and plenty of action and customization to be had. The game’s original developer Nerdook deserves a pat on the back for this excellent game and bringing this on board the iOS platform is a masterstroke by Gamenauts. rates Nuclear Outrun at a 4.5 out of 5!
The game is available for free on the iTunes App Store for FREE, so there’s really no reason for you to check it out: A review code was provided to for the purpose of this review.