1337 Game Design’s latest iOS game Devil’s Attorney may draw some comparisons with NDS’ Ace Attorney series but despite the court setting and the humorous setup, Devil’s Attorney has probably more in common with games such as Magic: The Gathering. This distinction makes the game a surprisingly addictive and enjoyable game.
The gameplay mechanics for this turn-based strategy game has the player character, defense attorney Max McMann, starting off each of his turns in a trial with a number of points. These points can be used to activate courtroom skills with the primary objective of taking out the prosecution, witnesses and even evidence material in order to free his clients. Some characters or even evidence can have an adverse effect on your case, so it might be in McMann’s interest to take those out first.
As the titular “Devil’s Attorney”, McMann gets all kinds of bad hats and folks who occupy, ahem, the grey area of the law, and each successful case nets him cash (along with bonuses and the occasional gift). The cash is used to upgrade his apartment and while in some games this can be viewed as trivial (check out Fallout 3), these upgrades unlock new courtroom skills!! Here’s a tip to get on the fast track of success in this game, try to get the bonuses.
I wasn’t expecting much when I started reviewing the game, but the gameplay mechanics are deep and not to mention the cutscenes before each trial are dripping with 80s snarkiness, the same kind you get when you watch movies from that era, make this game a winner. Nine Over Ten 9/10 rates Devil’s Attorney at a 4.5 out of 5! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
The game is available on the iTunes App Store at a price of USD 2.99, check it out over here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/devils-attorney/id562772514?mt=8. A review code was provided to Nine Over Ten 9/10 for the purpose of this review.