Have you checked out Mobbles (for our preview, click here)? The Tamagotchi meets Pokemon meets Augmented Reality app for iOS and Android devices has a new Mobble to be captured…and he’s only available at LA’s Convention Center. That’s right, it’s a Mobble created especially for E3 attendees!
Once he’s captured, he’ll transform into a Breakout-like cabinet everytime you play with him. So all you need to do is download the app and use the Mobbles Radar over at the Convention Center.
Mobbles is a free augmented-reality app available for both iOS and Android. The game uses a smartphone’s GPS to track these virtual creatures in the wild, superimposing them on satellite images. Once a player captures a Mobble, he or she can feed them, play with them, or give them toys and musical instruments. If not properly cared for, it’ll get sad… and maybe even die (!) More than 50 different creatures are available right now, with new Mobbles appearing in the wild every week.