This week in comics we find the Birds of Prey, Nightwing and Catwoman take on the Talons in their respective Night of the Owls tie-in issues. The most important of these 3 books would be Nightwing #9, as the issue shines a spotlight on Dick Grayson and his past like never before as he battles his great-grandfather.
Also on the DC front would be Green Lantern Corps #9. John Stewart is being a pushover in this issue as he stands trial for killing another Green Lantern (under extenuating circumstances)… and the result is that he is sentenced to death. Poor chap.
Marvel’s Avengers vs X-Men continues in issue #4, as Wolverine finally finds Hope, only to out her to the Avengers right on the moon. The fights in Avengers vs X-Men receive more exposition with the release of AVX VS #2, featuring Spiderman vs. Colossus and Captain America vs. Gambit. Lets just say it’s 1 each for both teams.