*UPDATE (9th May 2012): Heads up folks. Kings’ Corners is now available for free on the iTunes App Store. Hit the download link at the end of the review to grab it!*

I couldn’t pry my fingers away from the iPhone earlier today, and it was due to a card game called Kings’ Corners. The game is an interesting single player spin on the classic game of Solitaire. Players place cards on a 4 X 4 board where the objective is to place the King cards in each corner, two Queens in the top and bottom rows, and two Jacks on the left and right columns.

Once the board is full, players can match and take away cards that are on the board which add up to 10, or have a value of 10. The game is over when there’s no room to place any of the picture cards (King, Queen, and Jack). The game requires an equal mix of strategy and luck. You can place normal cards on places where picture cards are supposed to go, but what happens when you run of space before a round is over?

If you love a challenge, be sure to check out Kings’ Corners. The game has Game Center for both achievements and online leaderboards, so you get to see how your high score compares to players from around the world. Nine Over Ten 9/10 rates King’s Corners at a 4.5 out of 5. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Check out the game over here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kings-corners/id510956980?mt=8. A review code was provided to Nine Over Ten 9/10 for the purpose of this review.