I took the opportunity to check out two, well, old games, on the iPad 2, one of them being the original Infinity Blade and Rage HD. And you know what? I actually like these two games when played on the iPad 2, compared to playing them on the iPhone. In the case of Infinity Blade, the extra screen space allowed me to execute moves better, whereas in Rage HD, Mutant Bash TV looked way clearer than on the iPhone.
I guess the new A5 processor and upgraded GPU have a hand in delivering an awesome looking experience on the device as well for both games.
So, like the title suggests, what games have you enjoyed more on the iPad or iPad 2, compared to playing them on the iPhone? Not all titles can get the same treatment, some games do not benefit from the extra screen space or the processing power. Sound off in the comments section below while I go back to reviewing some exciting new iOS titles.
What #iOS #Games Do You Prefer on the iPad?: I took the opportunity to check out two, well, old gam… https://t.co/VYhzu4tO
What iOS Games Do You Prefer on the iPad?: I took the opportunity to check out two, well, old games, on the iPad… https://t.co/DOVBME7T
In almost every case, I prefer playing games on the iPad. In fact, I barely touch my iPhone games now, unless they haven’t got a HD equivilent on the iPad.
There’s something luxurious about playing a game on a high quality screen that is that big, with such an elegant interface. The iPad is my favourite bit of technology ever, and its gaming credentials are right up there with anything the 3DS/ DS/ Vita/PSP can produce.
It’s also the best device ever for board games. The screen is big enough it can be used as a replacement for the physical board, and there are SO MANY great board games on there. Puerto Rico, Monopoly, Reiner Knizia’s Samuri… all brilliant.
As for the games currently on my iPad (out of the 140 or so sitting on my iTunes)…: Dungeon Crawlers, Assassin’s Creed Recollection, Puerto Rico, Avadon HD, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Crystal Defenders, Duck Duck Quack (best casual game ever), World Cup Fever, Zoo Keeper, Kinectimals, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Run Roo Run, Quarrel, Caylus, Groove Coaster, The Bard’s Tale and Call of Cthulhu: Wasted Land.
The classic Duck Hunt was addictive fun! But with the new Mario Ducks, I can play the classic Duck Hunt with a modern format and a great graphics! Yet, the game now includes special levels that allow you to shoot the ANGRY DOG! Awesome! Visit: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mario-duck-hunt-mario-games/id389205355?mt=8
“This game is totally awesome! Mario Duck Hunt, their classic game for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad users. I loved playing Nintendo’s Duck Hunt will recognize the classic fun and modern format. With a large flock of ducks has been added as a bonus level. And now instead of a plastic gun, an index finger is the weapon. Yet, the game now includes special levels that allow you to shoot the ANGRY DOG! Be amazed and visit: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mario-duck-hunt-mario-games/id389205355?mt=8