Saving Yello can be described as Angry Birds on steroids, and from an angle, a rather disturbing but fun take on the usual “shoot-birds-at-pigs” formula. In Saving Yello, players are tasked with literally saving a goldfish named Yello by getting him back into his fish bowl. The route back however is a route filled with obstacles, and some of the methods used to get him back to his bowl present a rather liberal definition to the word “saving”.
Players will need to launch Yello (ala Angry Birds) through towers of toys, stuffed animals, FIRE and even DYNAMITE. Yup, the last two are doozies and if there are two things that this physics-based game teaches players are a. fictional goldfish are built FORD tough and b. destroying toys is THE way to get more points. Do look out for how the toys are arranged in a level, often you’ll find familiar references.
There’s not so much emphasis on getting Yello back to his fishbowl. With his ability to survive out of water coupled with the finite number of launches available, players are actually encourage to torch more toys before getting Yello back into his bowl. The game comes with 40 levels and 3 levels of difficulty, ensuring that players get enough of a challenge and plenty of value for the money spent on the game.
Saving Yello is one crazy game and with its interesting level design and gameplay tweaks, the game is definitely one of the more engrossing titles in its genre. Nine Over Ten 9/10 rates Saving Yello at a 4.5 out of 5. Very impressive! The game is available on the iTunes App Store for just USD 0.99. Check it out:
A review code was provided to Nine Over Ten 9/10 for the purpose of this review.
[…] iTunes App Store! This really interesting game (we rated it a 4.5 out of 5 back in December, click here) is worth checking out. Here’s a description of the […]