When my mum returned from the UK many years ago, she brought back plenty of books. One of the books was Richard Adams’ Watership Down. If you haven’t read it already, it’s an amazing book, bringing the story of a warren of rabbits to life into a tale that features heroism primarily with plenty of dark undertones of death and disease, only to end with a hopeful message for a brighter future.

It’s also a pretty good setting for an MMORPG. For those who have read the book, they would know that the structure of a warren isn’t that dissimilar to that of a typical MMO faction. There are different types of rabbits in the warren, and these match perfectly with MMORPG types like soldiers, foragers, bards, you get the idea.

So, in a Watership Down MMORPG, players get to play mini-games such as bob-stones (a game described by the book as being a traditional game played among rabbits) or explore other locales (otherwise known as dungeons in other MMORPGs) in the book such as the farm, the river crossing and even other warrens. Not only that, perhaps they can even engage in PvP combat among warrens…just like in the book!

Players will also get to uncover legends and stories, such as the one regarding El-ahrairah, the rabbit folk hero, and also the Black Rabbit of Inle. For flavour, the game’s language would be a mix of English, and Lapine! Imagine saying “Embleer Frith!” instead of “Dammit!”. LOL, while I know it’s pretty far fetch but I think this idea would find support from fans of the book. So what do you think?