This is pretty interesting, not everyday do you get to bump into a game in which the player is supposed to earn high scores in the high negatives. But it makes complete sense as Nor Eagle’s latest game Squid Drop plays like a Mega Jump but upside down, in which players are supposed to help Squid Kid dive deeper and deeper into the ocean while avoiding obstacles and other denizens of the deep.

Each time you dive until a certain threshold you unlock extras that are reflected the next time you start a level. While the game is rather tough, with the obstacles being close together, the controls for Squid Kid allow for fast reaction times. One just needs to slide to avoid the obstacles and the baddies.

Instead of high scores, the scores are known as “low scores”. Hehehe….talking bout a sense of humour. Squid Drop features global “low scores” leaderboards as well as achievements. Squid Drop is scheduled to be released this April 13th on the iTunes App Store for just USD 0.99, so do be on the lookout for it because Nine Over Ten 9/10 rates it at a 4 over 5!

A preview build was provided by Nor Eagle to Nine Over Ten 9/10 for the purpose of this review. For more information on this game, head over to Nor Eagle’s website: