You know what? iRoach 2 is probably the first iPhone game that I heard my girlfriend describe as disgusting. The game lets you squish not only the ubiquitous cockroach, but also other critters like spiders and flies. The challenge here is that these insects are pretty fast, and you’ll need to quickly and accurately tap on the screen to squish them.
Some of the bigger bugs will need several taps, like the Madagascar hissing cockroach, and mis-taps will deduct from your total points. While the opportunity to squish bugs without getting your hands dirty (or feeling squirmish with the real thing) is actually pretty fun, the best part about iRoach 2 is the graphics! There’s a certain attention of detail given to the bugs (both intact and squished) which lends itself to the whole squishing experience.
The objective of the game is basically to gain as many points as you can from squishing bugs and to keep them from invading. Spray cans provide additional points and like I’ve mentioned earlier, mis-tapping and squishing lady bugs (don’t ask me why) will result in points deduction.
iRoach 2 comes with both Facebook and Twitter connectivity along with OpenFeint support for leaderboards and achievements as well. Social media overkill? You bet, but I kinda like GameCenter a little more than OpenFeint at the moment. Anyways, don’t let that be a stumbling block because iRoach 2 comes highly recommended.
The game is currently available on the Apple App Store at a price of USD 0.99. Check it out over here:
Nine Over Ten 9/10 » iRoach 2 (iPhone) Review: Gross, In a Fun Way…
You know what? iRoach 2 is probably the first iPhone game that I heard my girlfriend describe as disgusting. The game lets you squish not only the ubiquitous cockroach, but also other critters like spiders and flies….