I went on a shopping spree yesterday, buying like 6 games for the iPhone. The reason being there were two on-going sales. id Software was having a sale on its iPhone titles in conjunction with the on-going QuakeCon 2010. I bought out the entire id catalogue which consists of DOOM II RPG, DOOM Classic, Wolfenstein 3D Classic, and Doom Resurrection. Total cost? Just 5 bucks. Check out the sale over here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/id-software/id309470481
I didn’t stop at there as Square Enix was also having a sale on its iPhone titles, in conjunction with the launch of Chaos Rings for the iPad, so I bought Vanguard Storm for USD 3. Check out the rest of the Square Enix titles over here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/square-enix-co-ltd/id300186801?mt=8
Wait, that’s only 5 games. What’s the sixth? The sixth game wasn’t on sale, but it’s a highly rated platformer called The Incident. Lol. The best way I can describe it is that the game is like Scribblenauts from hell. A review for that will be coming out shortly :).
Nine Over Ten 9/10 » Shopping Spree: id Software and Square Enix iPhone Game Sales!…
I went on a shopping spree yesterday, buying like 6 games for the iPhone. The reason being there were two on-going sales. id Software was having a sale on its iPhone titles in conjunction with the on-going QuakeCon 2010….
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by zorocaster, zorocaster. zorocaster said: Shopping Spree: id Software and Square Enix iPhone Game Sales!: I went on a shopping spree yesterday, buying like … https://bit.ly/bFCa7B […]