Last month, an entire bunch of my closest friends got together and gave me a surprise birthday party. Among the presents I received were MPH bookstore vouchers totaled  a hundred ringgit from my old college gang.


I love books, and magazines, so needless to say I put the vouchers to good use. With it, I bought a copy of EDGE (the one with WarDevil on the cover). This is the one of two video games magazines that I read every month, the other being Retro Gamer for its encyclopedic view on all things retro.

The remainder of the vouchers were spent on Neil Gaiman’s American Gods and Robert A. Heinlein’s The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I read  Neil Gaiman’s Smoke and Mirrors earlier this year, and found the writing to be of my liking; that’s why I chose American Gods.

As for Mr. Heinlein’s book, well, it’s probably no secret that I’m a fan of Starship Troopers, so much so that I went to the trouble of looking for and downloading the rare 4 episode anime based on the book. I’m just curious about his other works and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress stood out from the shelf like a sore thumb.

Thanks guys for the vouchers. Probably I should do some book reviews next. And the answer to the question in this post’s title? They were on the same receipt.