It’s the time of the year again, where Star World airs more than a dozen episodes of The Simpsons non-stop, but these aren’t the normal Simpson episodes. I’m talking about The Simpsons: Treehouse of Horror episodes. Aired every year during Halloween, this year’s episode carries the XX moniker, indicating it’s the 20th in the Treehouse of Horror series.


The highlights of this episode include the two segments inspired by Sweeney Todd and 28 Days Later respectively. Homer’s song and dance sequence about being gay was pretty funny as well. As with other episodes of Treehouse of Horror, a certain degree of animated violence exists….including decapitation (and well..murder), usage of sharp weapons, etc, so this ain’t one for the kids.

DC Comics’ has some Halloween related material out as well on the news stands. First up, Superman & Batman #65 explores our heroes (as well as the Joker and Lex Luthor’s) worse nightmares at the hands of the Scarecrow!


On the other hand DC Universe Halloween Special 09 #1 (1 Shot) contains 13 short stories featuring Superman, Batman, and the rest of the Justice League, not to mention everybody’s favourite Supes clone, Bizarro.

Some of the shorts are genuinely scary, while the others fall flat, and I wouldn’t say I don’t agree with the last panel (just for kicks though).


If you are looking for more scares, a couple of issues of what happens to be DC’s very own Zombie Fest, Blackest Night, are out this week, with Blackest Night #4 and Green Lantern #47 serving up scary stuff as they have been for the past few months.