Dear readers of Nine Over Ten 9/10, would you like to snag invites to an exclusive Need for Speed Shift event at one of the hottest night spots in Los Angeles?
This event is going to be held on the 17th of September at The Geisha House, 6633 Hollywood Boulevard, California. The time? 5pm to 10pm and only those above the age of 18 need apply.
So not only do you get to try the game hands-on, but you’ll also get the chance to hobnob with the members of the Need for Speed team! Pretty cool eh? But since I’ve only got like TWO invites to give away, lets make this a little interesting.
Tell me your fondest experience playing any of the Need for Speed titles (and that includes the first game which made its debut on the 3DO (1994) and PC (1995) respectively), and not only will the top 2 entries be published on Nine Over Ten 9/10, the writers will get an invite each to the Los Angeles event!
Be sure to send in the entries to my email address (shown below) before the 16th of September 2009 with the subject “I want the NFS: Shift Invite!”. And to the eventual winners, have a good time (I won’t be there personally since I’m over here in Malaysia, but hey, I’ll be in there in err…spirit).
While you are writing your opus, I’ll leave you with the latest Need for Speed Shift trailer (in HD no less), and this time check out what GamePro magazine and IGN have to say about the game: