It looks like DotA, and it even plays like DotA, but it ain’t DotA. Instead it’s Riot Games’ League of Legends and apparently the guy who worked on DotA: Allstars is on board as well, which explains a lot. The game is actually dubbed the spiritual successor to DotA. Even the maps and graphics look Warcraft III-ish but with a static camera.
In any case, the game is pretty nOOb friendly as far as practice matches are concern. I can actually win, unlike in DOTA where too much micromanagement and confusion over what to buy just kills the entire experience. LoL (really now..) even recommends what items to purchase for a particular hero.
The game is in closed-beta now, and it’s pretty stable although the servers go offline occasionally for maintenance and updates. And it runs amazingly fast on my old Pentium M notebook with 1.5 gigs of RAM and a 128 MB video card. The game also gave an impression on being lag free even though my latency was in triple digits.
Interested? Apply for the closed-beta invite over at the official site (click here)
FYI, the person who worked on LoL is known as Guinsoo in the DotA world. LoL isnt much as a direct copy of DotA, you should see HoN. Thats a real copy of DotA. And DotA now has a command to recommend items too.
-Mr^Blue~ aka BlueBerry~
@blueberry we venture into the realm of acronyms. Just what is HoN?
And thanks for the bit on Guinsoo, I remember reading about him…somewhere. And in any case, LoL has the recommend item up front and centre, well, towards the right of the screen. That’s pretty n00b friendly if you ask me, no need to invoke commands and stuff like that.
HoN is known as Hero Newerth. Its like 95% based off DotA. Google it. Its just too damn similar. Down to the stats gain and stuff.