This year’s race was held at a place with much better parking facilities for a change, the Shah Alam Stadium, and the 10 km event was replaced with the 11 km event. Strangely I felt that the distance ran was longer than described, but maybe it’s because of all the inclines one would have to go through, throughout the course.
I clocked in a rather poor time of an hour and twenty-seven minutes, pretty disappointing since I ran the first half of the race non-stop. Anyways, I know of people who signed up for the 11km event but took the 8km event route instead. The organisers should have given another band halfway through the 11km event to stop cheats like these.
Last but not least, there’s a request to look out for a particular runner who has apparently gone missing, last seen leaving med camp. If you seen the chap in the following YouTube video, kindly drop me a note. Thanks!
Ahhh, you can’t “win” them all. I was disappointed with my race time for the Bluenose Marathon’s 5K back in the spring- I run 5k in 24-25 minutes usually, but my time race day was disappointing! 11km is kind of a funny number to run, I bet that contributed to a lot of peculiar times for a lot of people participating. King of the Road is a great name for a race.
I ran a 1 miler today over a bridge in my city, lots of fun
I think I might like to volunteer for a race before the end of the season…
The heck? That’s my good friend from school! ANd he’s now missing!
@Kyo … I tumpang sedih over Gary’s passing as well. I hope the authorities can find the cause of death. No one deserves to die alone like that.
You should have seen the number of participants! They painted the town yellow with the Adidas running vests given out as part of the race kit.
Sadly, the runner that I was talking about was found in the stadium basement dead today, one day after the race. Cause of dead is unknown yet, and the police are investigating. Kyo here (my PS3 game suppler)is a good friend of his. It’s just sad.
It’s always sad to hear about the death of a runner (or anybody for that matter). A blogging friend of mine on 1Up had a brother who ran, who died during his marathon training one day (like, while he was out for a run). Condolances from Canada to his friends and family.
i also ran the 11 km. i live in shah alam. i saw his ‘missing’ flyers posted everywhere near the route. sad he died of severe dehydration. wished there were more refreshment stations…
[…] Adidas King of the Road Malaysia 2011 (Race Report) Musings, Running October 2, 2011 0 var addthis_product = 'wpp-262'; var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":false}; I didn’t take part in the Singapore edition of Adidas’ King of the Road race this year, but I made it point to run in the Malaysian edition that took place earlier this morning at Sunway Pyramid. This year marked the return of KOTR in Malaysia after a year’s hiatus, after THAT race in 2009 (race report from way back, here). […]