I was watching Watchmen the other day, and an interesting scene came about involving Rorschach, and his namesake, the Rorschach test. His answers were contrary to what he actually thought of when he saw the inkblots.


While this makes the test hardly reliable, how about turning it on its head and making the inkblots as answers to questions instead, and to up the ante, one would have to figure out which inkblot the previous person chose as an answer.

That’s the basis of Divide by Zero’s new game for the iPhone, Rorschach. Think you know your friends and family members well? Well, think again when you guys participate in Rorschach.


During each turn, a different player will be selected to pick an inkblot as an answer to a particular question, and the rest of the players will have to guess which inkblot was selected. Players gain tokens if their answer is not guessed, and also gain points if they manage to guess another player’s answer.


It goes without saying (or using an inkblot for that matter..lol) that the person with the most tokens, wins!

Essentially a party game, Rorschach is best played in groups 3 or more (but you only need one iPhone). One inkblot can be appealing to one person but totally meaningless to another. And with larger groups, getting into the minds of other players can be quite a challenge.

Anyone would appreciate a game with a sense of humour, and Rorschach will have players in chuckles. Some of the funnier questions that players would encounter include which inkblot looks most likely to eat a certain player and which inkblot looks the most depressed.

As a party game, there’s nothing like Rorschach on the iPhone, and it pretty much goes to show that innovation is alive and kicking on Apple’s mobile platform. Highly recommended. Click here to check out Rorschach on the App Store.