I wouldn’t exactly call Zombieville USA a Resident Evil Lite, but hey, it’s pretty much survival horror simplified. The premise is simple, you play as a huntsman walking up and down the street shooting zombies and looting homes for both ammo and money.
The survival part is pretty obvious; try not to get killed before reaching the end of each level and as a reward, you get to purchase stronger weapons, even more ammo and life saving emergency kits to replenish your health.
The horror part kicks in when a. you are out of ammo in the middle of a level, b. zombies are coming out of the ground and from off the screen and you are getting swarmed and c. that new brute of a zombie can take a licking and can dish out some on you as well.
Visually the game makes use of cel-shaded graphics. The zombies don’t look particularly menacing and everyone seems to be in a shade of green (except for those light grey fast-moving zombies) but on the other hand, the sound effects compliment the sight of zombies being blown to bits by different weaponry. Very satisfying indeed and it’s probably why I keep playing the game!
If you have a dollar and ninety-nine cents to spare on the iTunes Store, be sure to put Zombieville USA into consideration.
P/S: One method of earning more money is to linger about a level. This increases the number of zombies appearing (to be killed, of course) but chances of you to getting swamped (spending more ammo and losing more health in the process) is higher as well.
i installed that game too. super duper nice game to play.
yeah man. it’s easy to play, difficult to master.