What are the odds that you’ll not one but two Game Boys in your bag. I bought a secondhand Game Boy Color from someone yesterday, promptly placing it inside my laptop bag along with my daily entertainment device of choice, my Game Boy Micro and totally forgot about the two of them.
So there I was lugging the extra weight around through an entire shopping mall looking for a Mother’s Day gift earlier this evening and I only realised that the Gameboy was still in the bag when I came home.
Anyways, the Game Boy Color that I bought is in pink, and the previous owner actually kept it in very good condition, box and all, sans manual though. He even gave a GBC pouch as part of the RM 100 deal (thank Malcolm).
The only thing that struck me as strange was the fact that Nintendo used an LCD screen that was pretty dark for the GBC and didn’t bother to fit in a backlight for the console. You can only admire the screen’s 56-colour capability when playing in a brightly lit room.
In any case, I’m happy to have a new addition to my Game Boy collection. I still have the Game Boy Pocket, Light, Advance and Advance SP to collect. I don’t mind getting the latter two as Christmas presents.