While it is interesting to see gaming news such as the demise of Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms into bankruptcy appear on a mainstream news site such as the BBC (with title Duke Nukem developer goes bust), it is also shameful to see a news article showing how some Malaysians abuse man’s best friend right up there in the most read list (as of last night)
Congratulations Malaysia, now the whole world knows that some of you dumped a whole bunch of stray dogs (more than 300 of them) on a deserted island, with no food and no water, with some of them turning to cannibalism in lieu of starvation (Article here). I’m still baffled at how they managed to round up so many.
The person who masterminded this and the people who took part in this “cull” should have known better as there are better ways to rehabilitate strays and find them proper homes. Lets hope the remainding dogs can be rescued swiftly and the people responsible be dealt with the full might of the law.