I was actually expecting to see Tomb Raider: Underworld as a third person shooter on the Nintendo DS, but it turned out to be a 2D platformer with some pseudo 3D going on ala New Super Mario Bros. While NSMB was a colourful affair, Tomb Raider opts for something similar to Journey to the Center of the Earth, released on the NDS not too long ago.
One would think that nothing could go wrong sticking with being a 2D platformer, but as far as Tomb Raider Underworld is concerned, it’s still bogged down by its own set of problem and one of them is really something you can do without.
It seems regardless whether Tomb Raider is a third person shooter or a 2D platformer, it will forever be fraught with camera issues. In this episode of horror camera, the camera is not centred on Lara, either moving too fast forward, or too slow.
When it comes to approaching walls, the camera would move far ahead in front of Lara, leaving her obscured by the wall.
Clunky animations confound the fact that this is actually a pretty game. Movement can really be a hideous affair, it’s like watching a stop-motion puppet show.
It’s a shame really, considering the production values thrown into the game. The addition of FMV video brings a nice touch and provides a bit of fan service. There’s an element of exploration and the puzzles are not too bad. But other than that, you would be hard pressed to get this 2D platformer. Should you insist on getting a copy of Town Raider: Underworld, click here for details.