I noticed something abit odd about the ticker text that appears on the top right hand corner of my PS3’s XMB earlier this evening. It read “WipEout HD Now avalible”. Typing that line caused my blog’s spell checker to highlight three words. Never mind the title WipEout HD, but hey Sony, don’t you know how to spell the word available?
I opened the Information Board just to be sure, and there it was, the same typo in the title with the addition of a really weird description:
What the heck is a frack? Isn’t it supposed to be FPS? I bet a roomful of pot-smoking monkeys banging on keyboards can produce something better than this.
I think they had too much of Battlestar Galactica to begin with.
yep, frack or frak is fuck in BSG. Great to know that there are fans of BSG at Sony! Now if they can get someone to make a decent BSG game…
I don’t know…translating the line from “60 fracks and 38 d” to 60 f*cks and 38 d sounds just too weird.