How did I spend my Saturday morning? I ran for half an hour, washed two cars and took up the task of cleaning up an old SNES that just arrived yesterday through the mail, having bought it via eBay. This time around, it was a much better purchase compared to the previous SNES I bought at
What’s so interesting about this purchase is that it came with a whole bunch of seemingly original games. All seven of them came with their respective boxes and some even had intact manuals. Almost all of them have their old price tags attached, and boy were they expensive. The cheapest one I found was RM 149 (USD 42).
Anyways, doubts about whether the games were original started to surface upon greater scrutiny of the cartrdiges and boxes. One of my favourite examples would be the Mortal Kombat III cart. Take a look at the pictures and tell me if you see anything noticeably “off”:
Yup. The back of the box has the word Playstation on it. Now, who on the right frame of mind would put that word on the back of an original SNES cartridge box.
From what I garner through the interwebs, these SNES pirate carts are rare. I’ll be posting up more pics of the rest of the games but if there’s any interested party in buying these games, I’m all ears :).
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That’s pretty cool
While I don’t support piracy, I like having a few oddballs in my collections from console generations past (by that point, nobody’s making any money off it anyway).
@jgoreham: It gets worse, now I got ripped off for two Nintendo DS games I bought on eBay…they turn out to be pirated!!