I used to play the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe and it was a lesson in sheer addiction, rivaled only by Side Meier’s Civilization II. Nevermind the countless of hours spent on that game, I’m actually glad that someone put up the link to OpenTTD, an open-sourced clone of Transport Tycoon Deluxe on an online forum I frequent.
With OpenTTD, I get to relive my addiction to Transport Tycoon Deluxe with a whole new slew of updates bringing it to the 21st-century, including multiplayer! My one gripe about the game is the lack of tooltips as, correct me if I’m wrong, there are more menus to go through, and I would certainly like to know what I’m about to click.
Installing OpenTTD is pretty simple. You’ll need two prerequisites, OpenTTD itself (which is available here) and a copy of Transport Tycoon Deluxe. OpenTTD grabs the graphics resources from the original game; and if you do not have it, don’t fret. Transport Tycoon Deluxe has long since slipped into abandonware status, and is available for free download at sites such as Abandonia.
On a side note, one cool game that you should really really check out at Abandonia would be Crusader: No Regret. Strangely, its prequel is not listed as abandonware.
this is so great. more and more abandonware are being opensource now. we retro gamer could have good scoop on these classics
omg. This is great! I’m downloading both TTD and OpenTTD right now. Thanks a lot!
thanks for the post man! i’m one of the TTD (as well as Pizza Tycoon) fans too!!
@kchan: yeah man. heheh..download away at abandonia.
@decypher & mypapit: you guys are most welcome!